Hey there friend

I’m Jaq - a first-of-its-kind bridal consultant, founder of Swoon, and Naropa University graduate where I studied contemplative psychology.


What is Swoon??

Swoon is a bridal leadership coaching program that’s neuroscientifically based for holistic wellness and personal growth. We recognize and acknowledge that being a bride is often the first time women have had the opportunity to lead a creative team all on their own. From the moment the ring goes on your finger, you become the focal point for hundreds of decisions and, more importantly, the way-point for all relationships circling this wonderful rite of passage.

So…why is that so important?

Sure, you may have already hired a planner who will do wonders at managing and delegating the tasks on that endless to-do list. But what about the people? The ones who you want to have as allies to your future marriage? How do you face the stressors that arise from and between them?

As it turns out, the role of the Bride comes with a great amount of power and weight. This change in interpersonal dynamics is not one that many brides are equipped to handle with grace. Stepping into a role of power over your peers or family takes great skill..

Similar to many of theleading fortune 500 companies, Swoon believes that investing in compassionate leadership training is how we can empower women to be the future leaders this world needs.

The wedding process is a perfect laboratory to practice and learn such skills. There is nothing more important than fostering healthy relationships to support your marriage, and also your work as a transformational leader of the future.

So, let’s begin that much-needed process today. Let’s start with Swoon!

“Swoon fortifies an individual bride’s sense of confidence as a leader so she can more gracefully navigate everything, from the meaningful blending of family rituals to the interpersonal clashes that may show-up among the bridesmaids. ”

Jaq Poussot
Founder, Swoon Bridal Consulting